What are you afraid of?

I help people from all walks of life overcome their fears and phobias, break out of old patterns, and be happier.

Why do we feel fear?

Fear is one of the core emotions. Fear tells us we are in danger. Fear helps keep us safe.
But sometimes we feel fear even when we know there is no logical reason for it.
Sometimes we feel fear over situations that we imagine.

When that fear becomes extreme we call it a phobia.

After all, it is perfectly normal to avoid being stung by a bee. But if a picture of a bee on a jar of honey sends shivers down your spine, you may completely avoid that aisle in the grocery store.

Phobias usually develop because of unresolved trauma. You may have had a bad experience in your past that was absolutely terrifying. That experience can program your fear response to be so intense that anything related to that experience in the future is also terrifying, even if it doesn't make sense.

This is where hypnotherapy can help. Unlike traditional therapies that attempt to 'desensitize' a person to their fears, or teach one to 'overcome' them, hypnosis can help us get to the source of the fear or phobia and defuse it.

At Snow Rose Hypnosis I specialize in defusing fears, phobias, and other trauma reactions. We will work together to track down the source of the discomfort, and find ways for your subconscious to react to these situations in a way that is appropriate for you and your life.

Do you sometimes find yourself reacting to a situation in a way that seems inappropriate, or out of proportion to what is happening?

You're going about your day, and a situation triggers a strong emotional reaction. Whether it be a feeling of terror at seeing a mouse, an insect, or the thought of getting in an airplane. Or something less obvious like getting angry or wanting to flee in the middle of a normal conversation.

Whatever your trigger, for a moment you feel out of control but you're not sure why. People around you can't understand your reaction and may even make fun of you for being "silly" or tell you to "just get over it".

You may have even begun to accept "that's just the way it is".

You are not alone, and there is help.

That sudden loss of control is your subconscious trying to protect you from danger. While consciously you may know there is no real threat, that subconscious system will not be convinced by your conscious mind.

This is where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is a way to reach that subconscious mind, to find out why it is perceiving danger and let it know that this situation isn't a threat.

”After an accident, I found myself scared of going into the water. I tried to get over it. But no matter how hard I tried to tell myself it was fine, I still felt terror at the thought. I'm so glad I found Evie. I'm not sure what we did, but just by talking through some memories the whole thing suddenly seemed kind of silly! I am now able to enjoy days at the lake with my boys again. Thank you so much!”

Alina K.
Bialystok, Poland.

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